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What They’re Saying: Former White House Ethics Czar Norm Eisen Reacts To Mayor Bass’ Proposed Budget

En Español


LOS ANGELES – Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass released her proposed budget today to continue her work to move Los Angeles forward. The budget lays out investments to continue urgently housing Angelenos and work to make Los Angeles safer and more livable for all. This year's process has uncovered a clear need for a reset of the City’s budgeting process – one that is honest, transparent and squarely focused on serving Angelenos. Watch this morning’s press conference here and read the budget summary released today here.  

Ambassador Norm Eisen (ret.), who served as Special Counsel and Special Assistant to President Barack Obama for ethics and government reform acknowledged and applauded Mayor Bass following the release of her proposed FY24 - 25 budget: 

“I was so impressed by Mayor Bass' determination to not only hold the Ethics Commission budget steady but actually to increase it to fund more positions. It's the latest reflection of the Mayor's commitment to strong principles of ethics and transparency like those we embraced when I was the ethics czar in the Obama Administration. Indeed, the program that the Mayor has led is modeled on the practices that the Obama White House pioneered making Los Angeles one of the first municipalities in the United States to build an ethics program on these innovative approaches.”