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Los Angeles City Hall

Mayor Bass announces tentative contract agreement to address recruitment and retention in LAPD


En Español

LOS ANGELES – Mayor Karen Bass today announced a tentative agreement with the union representing police officers, sergeants, detectives, and lieutenants at the Los Angeles Police Department. The agreement improves recruitment and retention.

“My number one job is to keep Angelenos safe,” said Mayor Bass. “Like many major cities across America, our police department is enduring a hiring and retention crisis so we are taking critical action. In April, I proposed a budget to address concerns within the Los Angeles Police Department and to provide investments to hire more police officers, expedite the hiring process, and improve retention. Today's contract is consistent with those goals.”

Staffing at LAPD has declined by more than 1,000 officers since the beginning of 2020. LAPD is expected to lose hundreds more in the coming year due to retirements and resignations. Since 2017, LAPD has lost more than 430 officers in their first year and a half of duty. A significant amount of officers who leave before serving for 10 years join other agencies. This contract is designed to help address these challenges. 

Highlights From The Tentative Contract Agreement: 

  • Sustained Safety - The tentative agreement is a 4 year contract, expiring in 2027.

  • Improving Recruitment - LAPD has struggled to fill recruitment classes. This tentative agreement increases the starting base salary of LAPD recruits by close to 13% with a 3% increase in base salary wages annually each year of the contract to remain competitive with surrounding departments.

  • Improving Retention - LAPD officers have left the department to be better compensated elsewhere. This tentative agreement includes retention pay incentives to ensure that officers the City has recruited and trained remain on the job for the long term. The contract also has improvements in insurance subsidies for health, life and dental insurance.