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Mayor Bass Announces Additional Resources for Local Businesses Impacted by the Closure of the I-10 Freeway

En Español

LOS ANGELES – Mayor Bass today announced additional resources and support for businesses who were impacted by the I-10 freeway closure. View broll here and photos here.

“Today we’re continuing our work to assist downtown businesses that were impacted by the freeway closure,” said Mayor Karen Bass. “During this difficult time and beyond, my message is the same – Los Angeles stands with businesses.”

Standing alongside Downtown business owners and leaders, Mayor Bass announced that the following support and resources are being made available for impacted businesses: 

  • Economic Workforce and Development Department launched a micro-enterprise grant program. Applications are open until midnight on December 10. 

  • Business Source Centers are continuing to go and visit businesses in the immediately impacted area to provide resources and support.

  • A resource center dedicated will become operational for impacted businesses.

Visit for more information and the micro-enterprise grant program application. 

Earlier today, Mayor Bass met with business leaders from the Downtown and Boyle Heights areas to share updates regarding recent resources and services available in response to the I-10 freeway closure and discuss opportunities for future support and further collaboration.

Mayor Bass also reminded Angelenos today to continue to prepare for detours on the freeway, especially if traveling to major special events this weekend like the USC vs. UCLA game at the L.A. Memorial Coliseum and other events at the L.A. Convention Center and Arena. Mayor Bass has directed additional white-glove traffic officers to be deployed over the weekend to help alleviate traffic near the impacted area before and after special events.

Alleviating Traffic and Preparing for Rain

The Mayor announced on Wednesday that she has directed the Los Angeles City Department of Transportation to make CommuterExpress buses free of charge to encourage Angelenos to use public transportation on their commutes. She has also directed the Department to assist Metro in making trains along the routes of the freeway closures go faster for Angelenos taking the train. 

In preparation for the anticipated rain, Mayor Bass has directed the Department of Transportation to increase the amount of white-glove traffic officers in the congested area to assist commuters to get through intersections faster. LAHSA’s augmented winter shelter program has also been activated by direction of the Mayor for the unhoused population to move inside and shelter from the rain. Angelenos can find more information at

Reducing Future Risk

The Mayor has directed Los Angeles Fire Chief Kristin Crowley to immediately begin surveying similar areas under overpasses and identifying spots that may be of concern in order to take a proactive posture of prevention. That effort began earlier this week and results will be announced when available.

Expediting the Repair

The good news regarding the expected Tuesday timeline will not change the urgency that the Mayor will continue to bring in continuous efforts to help mitigate the traffic impacts to communities and commuters.

Supporting Impacted Businesses

Many businesses in and around downtown have been affected by the closure. Mayor Bass and her Deputy Mayor of Business and Economic Development released a compiled list of state, federal and local resources available for impacted businesses early this week. Resources are also available on The Mayor’s Office of Community Engagement has canvassed the businesses of the area and is actively engaged in order to provide support. In the coming weeks the Mayor will convene impacted business leaders to directly provide resources and support.